Get Out of Your Style Rut Pt. 1

Get Out of Your Style Rut

Pt. 1 Purging Your Closet & How to Do It

By Alina Masri

With Spring just around the corner, the inspiration of renewal is still very much alive. That renewal can include our health, work-life balance, and for many of us, our sense of style. However, the in-between weather and new seasonal styles might mean finding yourself in a bit of a style rut and wanting to get out of it. If that’s the case, we’ve got you covered! The first of our three part Get Out of Your Style Rut series is on purging your closet and how to do it…but for real this time.

Purging your closet has endless benefits and I highly recommend doing this whenever you find yourself in a style rut. The ultimate goal for your wardrobe should be to feel excited and inspired about getting dressed every single day. So what does purging your closet actually entail? Just some time set aside and a bit of commitment to honesty. With these two in hand, you’re sure to make your closet purge as seamless as ever.

Step 1. Take everything out

There is something inspiring about a blank slate from which to work from. This starting point is the only way to ensure you end up knowing exactly what is in your closet.  This first step involves taking everything out. Yes, we mean everything. Every single item of clothing, shoes, and accessories needs to come out. By doing this you will avoid overlooking any items sneakily hidden between hangers or folded piles.

Step 2. Get rid of the no’s

Once all items are out, there will be those you can instantly identify as “no’s.” Grab these items and place them out of sight. At this point, you don’t need to worry about how you’ll ultimately discard of them (sell v. donate). This is the moment to simply remove them so you can focus on everything else. 

Step 3. Assess the rest

Grab every remaining item and truly assess the value it holds in your closet and how it contributes to your style. Ask yourself the following: Have I worn this in the last year? Do I like how I feel in this item? Does this item represent the style I want to convey? 

If the answer to any of these questions is no, it’s got to go. While we sometimes feel the need to hold on to items for sentimental reasons or simply because we spent a lot of money on them, keeping items out of guilt won’t do you or your style any favors. Trust me. I can tell you from experience that replacing mediocre items for ones you actually like and feel amazing in, will be well worth the sacrifice of the temporary guilt that comes with foregoing them.

If the answer to the above are yes, you are free to place the item back in your closet! The point of this exercise is to create a wardrobe that is fully functional and only equipped with items that make you feel and look incredible.

Step 4: Discard the no’s

Alas, the purge part! Here is where you can finally get rid of everything in the “no” pile. I suggest creating two separate discard piles: one for selling and one for donating. Items that are sellable are typically those that are of higher value which include high-end designer or high-quality pieces. They also must be in good condition, be it brand new with tags or worn just a handful of times. Check your area for local consignment stores that might accept your clothes to sell for a split fee. I also recommend the online consignment platform, The Real Real. Other apps which offer smaller selling fees but require a bit more work from the seller include Vestiare Collective and Poshmark. 

Ready to get started on your closet purge but not where to start? MB Styles works with clients regularly to help them purge their closet and create a functional wardrobe. Reach out to us for a quick consult to get started on your style journey. 

Get Out of Your Style Rut Pt. 2