Get Out of Your Style Rut Pt. 2

Get Out of Your Style Rut

Pt. 2: Assess Your Lifestyle Needs

By Alina Masri

The second of our three-part Get Out of Your Style Rut series is dedicated to the importance of assessing your lifestyle needs. 

One of the most common reasons we find ourselves in a style rut is because we feel completely uninspired by the clothes hanging in our closets. This can be due to a variety of factors such as ill-fitting clothing, outdated styles, or simply because the items we have don’t match our lifestyle needs. This quick guide will help you assess what’s hanging in your closet and see if it actually matches your lifestyle needs or if it’s time for a complete overhaul.

It’s All About the Fit

Let’s face it, we’re human. Our lives change and our bodies along with it. A wardrobe that is filled with items that don’t flatter us or make us feel our best is one of the top reasons for finding ourselves in a style rut. Perhaps you’ve gained a bit of weight or your gym sessions have bulked you up. Either way, you’ll benefit greatly from assessing the fit of each item individually. Try each item on and ask yourself the following: How do I feel in this? Can I move comfortably in this? Does it feel too tight or too loose?

Investing in the Right Pieces

It’s important to remember that the majority of the items in your closet should be long-lasting and versatile in order to get good use out of them. Frequently purchasing items that are lower quality due to their price point might be tempting, but ultimately, the style and fit of these items quickly fade. This is one of the top contributors of a closet full of nothing to wear. The turnover of cheaper clothes is often faster than you realize, which means spending more money, more often. I highly recommend investing a bit more on items that will last and are suited to your needs. For example, if you know you will be wearing shirts more days of the week than not, look into ones of higher quality and versatility, rather than trendier, cheaper shirts that can only be worn a handful of times before losing their appeal.

The 70/30 Rule 

I believe in something called the 70/30 rule. That is, 70% of your closet is dedicated to functional, every day staples while the rest is reserved for pieces a bit more formal or fun. With that, you’ll need to determine what the majority of your time looks like. Do you spend most days of the week at work and if so, what does that environment call for? This is not a one-size fits all since work settings can vary greatly. If you work in an office, you’ll be sure to need plenty of proper slacks and shirts, while if you work as, say, a personal trainer you’ll need a good amount of high-quality exercise wear. 

Remember that it takes time to build a functional wardrobe. In the end, looking and feeling your best will always be worth it.

Get Out of Your Style Rut Pt. 3

Get Out of Your Style Rut Pt. 1